A large number of qualified Twitter users had claimed that the micro-blogging service had rejected their application form without offering any explanation why. However, in order to address this issue, Twitter has said that it would now include an additional explanation in emails to users who submit requests that do not fit their criteria. If your application is denied by Twitter, you will often receive an email as well as a message from the social media platform. No, you will be supplied with further information. In contrast, if you have been denied once, you can reapply within 30 days after the rejection. But, before you do, double-check that you’ve followed all of Twitter’s instructions to the letter. Here is what you should do in order to get a blue tick beside your Twitter profile picture. Before submitting an application for verification, be certain that you fall into one of the groups that are qualified for verification. Key government officials, national-level public officers, accounts representing prominent organizations, news outlets, and independent journalists, accounts representing prominent film and television studios, music entities, sports personalities, activists, and influential individuals are all examples of who should be considered for this position, among others. It is strongly recommended that you do not apply for a blue tick if you do not belong to any of the professions indicated above. When applying as an activist or important individual, Twitter does not require you to have a large following in order to be verified. If you are applying as a company/brand/organization, however, your follower count must be in the top ten percent. Active accounts in the same geographic location account for 5% of all active accounts. If you are depending on a website to verify your identity, be sure that the organization’s account has been validated. In addition, your name and Twitter account must be referenced on the website. Journalists are subject to additional rules and regulations. Many journalists who have a large following claim that their application form was denied despite the fact that they met all of the requirements for consideration. Bryne, a Twitter official, explained that a large number of journalists were denied due to technical issues or minor flaws with their application, rather than because they were unremarkable in their field. Twitter has now published a list of the procedures that must be completed before submitting the verification form.

A link to the official website of the news organization with which you are affiliated should be included in your Twitter profile, as should a mention to the news organization on your profile. Make certain that your news organization is well-known and has previously been verified on Twitter. If possible, journalists should provide a link to their individual about page/bio or to articles that mention them on the news organization’s official website when submitting an application form. For freelancers and independent journalists, you must provide links to three pieces published in Verified media over the last six months prior to submitting your application.

However, if you meet all of the requirements and complete the application form completely and accurately, you may be granted a verification badge by Twitter without any more action on their part.